Samuele Fonio
University of Turin, Corso Svizzera 185, Turin, Italy.
University of Turin
Dept. of Computer Science
Alpha Research Group
Hi! I am Samuele Fonio, a PhD student in Modeling and data science at the University of Turin. I am currently enrolled in my third year. My research focus is about:
- Deep Learning on non-Euclidean manifolds;
- Communication-efficient Federated Learning.
To tackle these challenges, I am focusing on Prototype Learning and other metric learning methods . However, I am very curious about many aspects of Machine Learning (ML), and eager to explore many aspects of it.
My background is in mathematics, I have a bachelor in pure Mathematics and a Master Degree in Stochastics and Data Science.
At the University of Turin, I am more focused on Machine Learning research, but I am part of the awesome Parallel computing research group Alpha!
On my website you can find my publications, my interests, my CV, and many other things. Of course, it is still in development, and I still need to get used to al-folio
, but so far it seems very nice . Have fun on my website!